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Our Google Adwords Tutorial for Beginners
Our Google Adwords Tutorial for Beginners

We talk a lot about SEO and organic traffic on this blog because they’re tied up with having a healthy, profitable online presence. But if you want to give your organic tactics a boost asap, a surefire way to attract attention on the SERPs is through pay-per-click (PPC) advertising.

Top Selling Ecommerce Websites to Help Inspire You
Top Selling Ecommerce Websites to Help Inspire You

Starting an online store and developing a digital strategy can be intimidating. The challenge feels insurmountable if you look to behemoths like Amazon and Apple for inspiration. So don’t. Amazon has 25 years of experience and resources behind its mega eCommerce offering.

Best Strategies to Speed Up Wordpress and Boost Your Website's Performance
Best Strategies to Speed Up Wordpress and Boost Your Website's Performance

Page loading speeds are important ranking signals to search engines. If your web pages load slowly, losing ground in the SERPs is a certainty. According to Kissmetrics, 40% of visitors will exit a website if it takes longer than 3 seconds to load. That’s a huge chunk of traffic going in another direction.

Call to Action Buttons: Your Website's Secret Weapon
Call to Action Buttons: Your Website's Secret Weapon

Calls to Action (CTAs) are a crucial weapon in any online marketer’s arsenal. CTAs turn website visitors into online customers. When used correctly with target markets and consumer psychology in mind, CTAs can help you hit the bullseye and boost conversions.

The Benefits of Having a WordPress Staging Site
The Benefits of Having a WordPress Staging Site

Launching your website to the public is like watching your child graduate from high school. They’re on their own, and it’s time for the world to see their potential. Unfortunately, your child may run into a few bumps in the road before they realise the world is their oyster.

How to micro test new product/service ideas using AdWords
How to micro test new product/service ideas using AdWords

Many of the best business ideas have come from inspiration, intuition or in-depth insight into an industry. While some of these ideas have risen to dominate the modern world, such as search engines, barcodes and credit card readers, many fine ideas still result in bankruptcy for their company, due to insufficient demand or failure to properly research customer desire.

Google AdWords Display Network vs. Programmatic Display
Google AdWords Display Network vs. Programmatic Display

Businesses have numerous options available when it comes to reaching their audience online via paid advertising. With Google AdWords, Bing, display advertising, remarketing, sponsored content and paid social, there have never been more ways to reach your target audience.

Bing ad extensions vs AdWords ad extensions – Know the differences
Bing ad extensions vs AdWords ad extensions – Know the differences

When building well-structured AdWords or Bing ads campaigns, you should never leave extensions off your checklist. Extensions are relatively quick and easy to add on both platforms and they have several advantages.

16 tactics to create highly converting ad copy in AdWords
16 tactics to create highly converting ad copy in AdWords

In these times of increased automation for Google advertising, is there any role left for human creativity? The answer is, absolutely because creativity and human intelligence is still very much required when it comes to creating ad copy.

10 Best Content Management Systems
10 Best Content Management Systems

Maintaining an effective and well-designed website requires regular updates to stay relevant to your consumer. For your website to truly work with your marketing and SEO strategies, you should be ready to make changes in an instant. Luckily, with the use of content management systems, these updates are a breeze.

How to Build a Website that Encapsulates Your Brand Identity
How to Build a Website that Encapsulates Your Brand Identity

Your website is most likely the first point of contact a prospective customer will have with your brand. It’s where they’ll get the most information about your business, and it’s where they’ll decide to take the next step in their customer journey. The question is, are you leveraging your brand’s full potential?

How to Use Google Content Experiments to Increase Website Conversions
How to Use Google Content Experiments to Increase Website Conversions

Consumers today are bombarded with more ads and attention-grabbing media than ever before. The biggest challenge for many businesses is cutting through the noise and reaching their target audience especially on the web where attention spans are notoriously short.

The Power of Chatbots and Why Your Website Needs One
The Power of Chatbots and Why Your Website Needs One

In an age where people need answers at an instant, chatbots have never held such value for your website’s success. Artificial Intelligence is on the rise and installing a chatbot strategy is one sure way to stay ahead of the trends.

A Guide to Different Link Building Services
A Guide to Different Link Building Services

We all know that quality link building isn’t an easy feat to conquer, especially if you’re starting out with your SEO strategy. Link building services help make this process a little smoother by helping you grow your website’s backlinks and increase your SERP ranking.

Choosing the Best Wordpress SEO Plugins
Choosing the Best Wordpress SEO Plugins

If you want to ensure that your content is getting ranked on Google, you need an SEO plugin. It’s true that WordPress offers an array of impressive features to help you build a fantastic website. However, there’s always room for improvement when it comes to your SERP ranking.