Link Building Services (Off-Page SEO)

Increase your domain authority with a link building campaign

What is link building

Building links is an important tenet to SEO. They help build authority for your site as well as direct traffic to it. You see, search engines consider your site to be trusted if other authoritative sites deem it citable. The more exposure your website gets and the more time spent on your website, your site’s SEO score will increase.

The process of building links lies heavily on the acquisition of hyperlinks from other websites. These are what we know as “backlinks” or “inbound links”. As mentioned, the goal of most backlink campaigns is to help increase search traffic from Google and search engines. Link popularity continues to impress Google and boosts your position.



Why is link building important

Backlinks define your sites domain authority. Put simply, building links is important because it helps drive traffic to your website and increase your SERP position. Google will look at how popular your page is and how beneficial the content is for users. If you haven’t looked at a backlink strategy, your SEO campaign may not be reaching its full potential.

Search engines use backlinks for two main things: discovery new websites and determining how well they should rank. The more links you have, the better your ranking and therefore, the better your chances of reaching your audience. By asking yourself these questions, you’ve just completed your first and very necessary step of SEO keyword research.

Benefits include:

  • Better website visibility
  • Receive higher amounts of traffic
  • Your website will be deemed as a reliable source
  • Prompts SEO crawler algorithms to analyse your website

You could look at backlinks as you would word of mouth. You’d be much more inclined to visit a restaurant that has positive reviews from someone you trusted, right? Well, your backlinks are like word of mouth. As you would trust your friend’s recommendation, your audience will trust the website’s citation of your page.


How do you get backlinks

Before getting into the techniques of building links, it’s important to state that there is very much a right way and a wrong way of doing this. If you value your website’s long-term authority and quality, we’d suggest doing it the right way.

The wrong way, known as “black-hat SEO”, focuses on using manipulative tactics. While the results may be faster, they don’t last and don’t have nearly as much of standing with SERP in the long run. In fact, practising these tactics can lead to banishment from SERPs.

Luckily, there are a number of safe tactics to increase your backlinks. These may take longer and require a bit more work but the results are worth it.


As we mentioned, building links can be compared to word of mouth. This is where referrals come into action. Put your service or product up for reviews to increase your linked mentions. This is why we’re seeing more and more people opt for influencer marketing to increase their reach. By getting a referral from a trusted source and linking your website, you’ve hit the SEO jackpot!

Content creation

It’s no secret that good content always wins. By creating content that your audience wants and can trust, you’ve already mastered not just vital SEO practice but a critical marketing tactic too.

Your content creation should aim to engage, attract and delight your audience. The more material you cover, the more you will increase your level of authority. Your audience and other websites will know to come to you as a resource for valuable information.

This means that you’re increasing your chances of having another website referencing your blog post. The result? Backlinks!

Guest blogging

After maintaining your own blog and content creation, you should consider the rewards of guest blogging. Not only are you spreading your knowledge and improving your brand’s authority, but you’re generating backlinks too.

Backlinks are usually gained by referencing your own website or by citing your page in your author bio. Either way, you’re directing traffic to your website and generating inbound links.

Good SEO needs strong backlinks

You may have heard of keywords and title tags, but have you heard of link building? Building links are key for increasing your SERP ranking. They help prove that your website is trusted and adds to its overall credibility.

Despite the constant search engine algorithm changes, one thing stands true. Quality content and links are at the heart of good SEO Services. After all, “content is king”.

Your backlinks help make your website look more attractive and appealing to search engines. It assists the crawling algorithms to navigate its way from one site to the next. Once on your site, it will look into your keywords and determine how strong the content is for the SERP ranking.

With all of this in mind, backlinks aren’t easy to acquire. It’s a difficult and time-consuming process especially considering that you want to focus on quality link building. Not all links are equal and some do have a higher weight behind them.

Visual content and social media

Did you know that 65% of information is better retained if it’s in visual form? Take Pinterest, for example, it’s full of visual infographics. Those infographics, whether they’re a recipe or the latest marketing statistics, are constantly being shared.

Do you know what’s included in most of those Pinterest pins? Links. As people are sharing the infographic, they’re sharing your website’s link too.

Building links internally

Not all backlink strategies rely on other websites. In fact, building links internally plays an integral role in your SEO results.

Internal links are links that direct users to another page on your website. You often see them in blog posts or a redirect call-to-action on the webpage. Search engines see these links as they would any other link. Therefore, the internal links will help build your online reliability.

An added bonus to internal links is that it can direct people to older content. In other words, you’re giving both pages a boost with 1 move.

Keywords and title tags

You may have heard of keywords and title tags, but have you heard of link building? Building links are key for increasing your SERP ranking. They help prove that your website is trusted and adds to its overall credibility.

Despite the constant search engine algorithm changes, one thing stands true. Quality content and links are at the heart of good SEO Services. After all, “content is king”.

Appealing to search engines

Your backlinks help make your website look more attractive and appealing to search engines. It assists the crawling algorithms to navigate its way from one site to the next. Once on your site, it will look into your keywords and determine how strong the content is for the SERP ranking.

It’s a difficult and time-consuming process

With all of this in mind, backlinks aren’t easy to acquire. It’s a difficult and time-consuming process especially considering that you want to focus on quality link building. Not all links are equal and some do have a higher weight behind them.

Building links

Building links is an important tenet to SEO. They help build authority for your site as well as direct traffic to it. You see, search engines consider your site to be trusted if other authoritative sites deem it citable. The more exposure your website gets and the more time spent on your website, your site’s SEO score will increase.

Process of building links

The process of building links lies heavily on the acquisition of hyperlinks from other websites. These are what we know as “backlinks” or “inbound links”. As mentioned, the goal of most backlink campaigns is to help increase search traffic from Google and search engines. Link popularity continues to impress Google and boosts your position.

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