Are You Unhappy With Your Current SEO Agency?

Are You Unhappy With Your Current SEO Agency?

ARE YOU UNHAPPY WITH YOUR CURRENT SEO AGENCY? It happens. An SEO agency tells you that they can guarantee results for your business. They even show you case studies of clients they have worked with and the results they have been able to achieve. So you are convinced that the company would be a good fit so you decide to sign a contract for their services.

Oliver Wood
Oliver Wood

Are You Unhappy With Your Current SEO Agency?

It happens.

An SEO agency tells you that they can guarantee results for your business. They even show you case studies of clients they have worked with and the results they have been able to achieve. So you are convinced that the company would be a good fit so you decide to sign a contract for their services.

You are filled with anticipation as you expect that your site will start ranking online and bring more sales to your business.

A few weeks go by.

Then several months.

But the agency has no results to show.

Worse is the fact that they barely communicate with you so you have no idea if they are even working on your campaign. If this sounds familiar you are not alone as these scenarios are far too common. As an SEO agency with extensive industry experience, we have had a number of clients come directly to us from other agencies.

Some of the reasons for them leaving include:

  • Unmet promises: Perhaps the biggest reasons for being unhappy with SEO services is unmet promises and failure to deliver results. SEO is certainly not cheap depending on what your package includes so you expect to get a return for your investment. An agency that doesn’t hold up their end of the bargain is enough to leave them.
  • No proof of results: You are making an investment with the expectation that you will get a return. It is incredibly suspicious if the company you are working with has not produced any meaningful results or has not provided you with any reports.
  • Poor communication: Effective communication is key for any business relationship. If you do not hear back from the agency you are working with or you are unable to reach them, you have no idea if they are even working on your campaign.
Cheap SEO agencies are cheap for a reason.

Most resort to questionable tactics to achieve rankings for your site such as stuffing content with keywords and resorting to automated tools to build thousands of links. These are the exact practices that Google explicitly warns against in its Quality Guidelines. And the implementation of such practices could get your site penalised or even completely removed in the search results.

The key to ranking online is the implementation of a cohesive SEO strategy. If you are unhappy with your current SEO agency whether they are failing to deliver results or they are simply not communicating effectively, don’t hesitate to leave as soon as possible.

Any reputable SEO company will:

  • Detail their exact strategies of ranking your site for your target keywords
  • Optimise your content according to all industry best practices
  • Build quality links to your pages from relevant sources
  • Provide regular reports of your campaign
  • Keep in constant contact with you
You always get what you pay for so work with an agency that meets all the criteria above. It can mean the difference between a successful campaign or one that fails to gain any traction.